How to Buy/Sell copies

The most important way to earn on Sonorus

How to buy copies?

You have two ways to buy copies.

  1. Go to Explore page or Mystery Track, pick a song and click on it.

  2. Click "Buy Copies" in song detail page, two options will be displayed.

Buy from others

You can buy the currently listed copies:

  1. Tap "+" and "-", or enter the number of copies you want. And "Confirm" to go to the next step.

  2. Select price slippage to increase the possibility of successful purchases. Higher slippage will make you the winner when someone competes with you for the same price.

  3. Click ‘Buy’ and check your purchase order status immediately.

or make an offer and wait for others' selling

  1. Go to the song detail pages, and tap “make offers” to bid for ideal prices

  2. Enter the number of copies and prices

  3. You can check your offers on the "Assets" page, just under the copies label


Nobody will sell copies to you at the price of 0.01 or 0.001, especially the top-ranked songs. Try to set a reasonable price to boost deals!

Issue a new copy

The whole purchase process is the same as buying copies from others. However, please note the following points:

  • The issue price will increase every 1 SONO with every 1 copy sold. For example, based on 2 copies sold, when you buy another 10 copies, the total price of this order is 265 SONO.

  • Never forget to put your copies in an active record player to earn RUS

  • Also, don't forget to create Mystery Tracks for your new-purchased songs.


Purchasing newly issued copies will not be calculated as trade volume during the Copy Trade Contest in the community.

How to sell copies?

  1. Only idle copies can be traded. So please go to your record player and unbind the copies with your RP first.

  2. Find the song you wanna sell on your Copies label of Asset page.

  3. List your copies for sell on the song detail page.

  4. Set a reasonable price with the copy number you wanna sell.


  1. A reasonable price will facilitate the deal more quickly.

  2. Don't forget to tell the community after you list for sale.

Last updated