How to earn on Sonorus

This article briefly introduces the three mechanisms of Sonorus, aiming to help you start earning on your first day onboard.

All in all, check the following one-minute video to learn Sonorus' mechanisms quickly:

As you can see, there're three mechanisms on Sonorus, which are Listen-to-earn, Scout-music-to-earn, and Promote-to-earn. Let's understand them one by one.


Listen-to-earn brings you RUS tokens. When you listen to a full song, you get 1 RUS. Here're more rules of the Listen-to-earn mechanism:

👉 Even if you have no SONO, you can get RUS tokens by listening to the songs of others' share.

👉 The RUS you can get every day depends on two factors, the number of copies you have and the number of distinct songs you've listened to.

👉 When you listen to the songs of others' share, you can get up to 50 SONO every day; but there's no RUS limit on your own copies. The more copies you buy, the more RUS you can get every day.

Briefly speaking, listening to songs on Sonorus, and earn yourself RUS tokens.


As a qualified scout on Sonorus, never forget to invest in the songs you love and wait for scout dividends every day.

To get scout dividends, there're three steps you need to follow:

☝️ Buy a song with more copies

✌️ Wait on DAY 2

🤟 Get your scout dividends on DAY 3 if there're new copies bought on DAY 2

That's the rule of Scout-music-to-earn. Every song on Sonorus has its own reward pool; once there're new copies bought, part of the invested SONO will fill the pool, and users who invested yesterday, as well as on previous days, are eligible to share the rewards revenue according to the copy proportion they take. The reward pool is refilled and recalculated every day, which brings you continuous earnings.

The key point to getting high scout dividends is simple:

👉 Buy songs with more copies, which brings you higher shares in the reward pool every day

Still confused? Feel free to ask the Discord community (for English language users) and Telegram group (for Vietnamese users)



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